Other stuff on the web that you might find interesting!
Websites, blogs, and resources
OldVCR - Cameron Kaiser's blog featuring deep dives into vintage computer hardware, software, and development, with a focus on non-x86 machines.
Ohio Trespassers - Explorations and photos of abandoned buildings around Ohio. This site hasn't been updated since the early 2000s but is still interesting to look at as it features photos of places that have since been demolished.
GUIdebook - Gallery of graphical user interfaces found in various programs and operating systems.
Retro GPS - Gallery of early GPS navigation devices.
On The Go Map - Simple route planner for walking and biking, featuring an elevation graph that displays hill grades.
Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - Interactive timeline and graph of all electronic music genres, featuring detailed histories of each and plenty of sample songs organized by year. Great for discovering new music!
YouTube channels
Tech & gaming
Acerola - Explanations and demonstrations of real-time 3D graphics programming techniques.
8-Bit Show and Tell - Demonstrating, reverse engineering, and developing software and peripherals for the Commodore 64 (and occasionally other 8-bit home computers).
Ben Eater - In-depth tutorials about how CPUs, computers, digital logic, and networking work. If you want to learn exactly how CPUs work on a low level and even build one yourself, I highly recommend following along with his
Building an 8-bit breadboard computer series.
Cathode Ray Dude - Long-form explorations and investigations of unusual computers, electronics, and software.
Gamers Nexus - The most honest, non-biased, and in-depth reviewer of PC hardware. Also featuring investigative journalism and consumer advocacy relating to PC hardware manufacturers.
Janus Cycle - Exploring and hacking retro PDAs, cell phones, and other portable electronics.
Retro Game Mechanics Explained - Deep dives into the programming and logic behind popular retro games, with beautiful visuals and lots of assembly code.
RetroCAD - Demonstrations of retro CAD software, peripherals, and workstations. Sadly he seems to have stopped uploading a few years ago, but there's still a lot of interesting videos to check out.
ThorHighHeels - Reviews and explorations of weird and unknown (usually Japan-only) video games from a much more artistic and optimistic perspective than other retro gaming channels.
Cham-Pain - DJ who spins legit classic 90s/00s trance tracks on vinyl.
dedeco - Funky fresh y2k-era video game music mixes!
Planet Wax - Record store in the UK that hosts tons of different DJs who all spin genuine old-skool electronic music. There's almost 2000 mixes uploaded here and more being added daily!